Friday, July 13, 2012

Pinterest Project Party

Let me begin by offering my apologies.  This post is about 3 months overdue and is the story of 4 friends that got together one day in April to be crafty and creative together.  As I have mentioned in previous posts I follow the wonderful John & Sherry of Young House Love.  Once a quarter Sherry and her friend Katie have a pinterest challenge where they stop pinning and start doing!  I wanted to do the same thing with my friends so I invited Heather, Amy Jo, and Ashlee over and we all went to work.

We brought out the cutting boards...

And the ironing board...

And the glitter...

And our sewing machines.

I think we ended up with some pretty great projects.  Ashlee worked on a plaque for her mother.  She used acrylic paints and Heather's cricuit to cut out the vinyl.  She also fancied up an old pair of black heels with glitter.  They looked so cute!  Like a brand new pair of pumps.

 My project was a cafe curtain for our kitchen window.  I picked a bright yellow fabric to bring some color into what is otherwise a pretty neutral room.  I used a spring curtain rod and clips so I didn't have to sew any tabs or pockets.  The sewing itself went pretty quickly but I did have to make a second trip back to Joanns to get more clips.

I like how it still lets in a lot of light but allows for enough privacy when needed.

This beautiful blanket was Amy Jo's project.  She made it for a friend or a cousin (I can't remember) who was having a little baby girl.  She made the entire thing in the one day we were working on things.  I wish I could sew that quickly and still have something turn out so nice.

Everyone raved over Amy Jo's blanket and she's already been commissioned to make blankets for all of us when we have our own little babies!  Our friend Kaley has even picked out her colors already...gray and pink.

Heather had the great idea to make a throw pillow from a famous Audrey Hepburn quote - "Paris is always a good idea".  I really like how it turned out.  Simple but still more interesting than a normal pillow.   

We ended up with some really great things and I know that I had a great time with the girls.  I actually think I'm about ready for another one!  There are plenty of projects that I need to work on.  I guess I'm going to have to gather up the crafting troops again!

So is anyone else completely addicted to pinning but lacking in the motivation to actually start doing?  Any fun pinterest-inspired projects out there?


1 comment:

  1. Carly, love you and your friends projects... I looked at the dog bed you and Eric made for your puppy-wonderful. I do want you to know there are tricks to put on binding. The biggest is to find the right book to explain how. I found to NOT do on the bias and to cut it double and fold it over to make it double. Start at a corner. When you come to a corner stop. Withe the needle down, fold the binding back 1/4 inch, pin, lift needle and place needle going the next way on the quilt. This will give you a wonderful square corner on your binding when you fold the quilt out and over the binding. Hand stitch the binding on the back, something I always enjoyed doing and relaxing doing. Not doing it on the bias also helps not to stretch it (a hard thing not to do).

    I am not sure about doing the blanket for my friends dog but think I will do the bed for her dog Button. I dog sit for the dog quite often and Hope and Button play as hard as they can and enjoy each other. What fun it is that they do!
